Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bodensee in Bregenz


I dont have many things to blog about but today we went to Bregenz to took a walk in the city and near the Bodensee.

I love sitting at the lake with my feets in the water and just chilling around ^__^
We wanted to go shopping but Im a bit depressed at the moment.
Its so disappointing to walk through the shops and shopping centers and there is not a single thing you like ,____________, 
I remember when I loved shopping and spending money on clothes and shoes etc but since Im back from japan...this whole thing changed. In tokio the clothes and shops were so...AHHH pure love !!
Here in europe I can hardly find a shop in which I like anything...buhuhuhu.
But on the other hand its a good thing so I can save money for tokio next time XDD
mhhh however.. another pic from me at the Bodensee.

yeeah stupid laughter xD
Okay thats enough for now.
Tomorrow is my sisters birthday !! SWEET 16 !!!


  1. awww, wunderschönes fotos! ^^
    und im letzten kommen die entchen sogar zu dir, keke

    Das Gefühl hier in Dland nix hübsches zu finden kenn ich nur alzu gut -_- wirklich deprimierend...

  2. you will always feel that way when you come back from travelling. Don't worry it won't last :)



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