Monday, July 16, 2012

Gyaru Sleepover @Milkys PART 1

Helloo there !!
Maybe you know this already from Yayas post but for those who dont...
last weekend we had a 


she decorated the whole house with these girls. Isnt that cute??

The sleepover started on friday but I got ill and went to the doctor and she said I got a middle ear inlfammation!!! Why does this always happen when I want to have fun? Well I got some antibiotics but then I fell sick -.- I was about to cancel the plans and stay home instead but then it turned better and I already payed for my ticket for the train sooo... I packed my stuff and lets goooo!!

This was my outfit for that day
very casual ^0^

aaand make up
lol duckface I know but I love the duckface!!!! 
no regrets.

At the station I met with Ramona and Barbara and soon I noticed I forgot my extens at home...oh well what a beginning!
In the train we also meet Yaya so we drove together to Milkys.
There we met Milky of course  Riina, Kate, Amanda, and Mia.

Ramona helped me with my hair ^0^


we sat together since 9 pm to like 2 or 3 am I dont know anymore but it was really fun just to talk with the girls :D

The next morning
 I decided not to put in lenses for the whole day and keep my make up kinda natural due to the fact my eye was a bit red from the antibiotics etc. I didnt want to cause any further problems. My ear was totally enough XD So Barbara and Ramona already dressed Manba because it was the international Manba Day !! 

I only wore Barbaras d.i.a top ( thank you again )

Then Riina, Mia, Amanda, Milky and I drove to a mall to buy some things which we needed for Manba. Ramona Barbara and Yaya werent finished with their Make up so they stayed at home.

Mia and me in Milkys Car ;D

In the mall we found a make up store called kiko. I hear a lot about kiko but we dont have one in or around würzburg so I was quite happy to buy something from there ^0^
We found the darkest make up EVERRR XD Its called kiko skin evolution walnut. 
Its really good for manba!!

little Riina and Kitai spam XD I love her ,__, <3

Before going back to the car we made some more pics.
group shot time yaaayy

When we got back home we took pics again and afterwards we went to a supermarket for buying food and stuff.

Amanda and me in front of this supercute chocolate truck !!!
She is so adorable <3

So here are some group pics from my very casual style xD
I LOVED that Milky decorated her house so we could make superduper cute pics ^0^

 Miaaa y u so angry? XDD

 a bit derp but I look cute :D
I said "Noo I cant do this pose. I look like Im shitting!!" and then Yaya and Milky held my poo poo... oh well XD

ohyeeah and this was my make up that day before we dressed Manba.
No lenses and only one pair of upper lashes!!

Omg this entry took me HOURS to finish lol but I had so so so much fun!!
Im now going to write the next part but this post will be upcoming the next days sooooo.....
hope you liked the pic mass XD

will be about the Manba Day which we celebrated!!
I will give you a preview about the next entry ;D


  1. Oh du liebst mich ? : D Ich dich auch hihi <3

  2. Aw! Awesome and cute Gals!!~ ^O^ ♥♥

  3. yo, y am i so angry?? XDD
    and y am i so tiny? lol
    ich seh wien schlumpf neben euch aus lol. bin doch eig nicht viel kleiner als ihr Oo

    war super geil das WE <3 <3

  4. OMG, sooo neidisch! QwQ;
    Und schon wieder könnt ich weinen, weil wir ne kommen konnten.. Dx
    Aber nächstes Mal muss ich dabei sein, argh!!

    Sooo schöne Fotos <3

  5. ^-^ coole Bider :) die outfits von euch allen sind der Hammer :3

  6. sieht nach geilem we aus!!
    neid! *_*

  7. Ich muss auch unbedingt das nächste mal mit ;3;<3!
    sieht meeggaa spaßig aus ^o^

  8. OOh voll die schönen Bilder.. sieht aus als hättet ihr viel Spaß gehabt ^___^

    sag mal: wart ihr in Darmstadt? Ist das das Loop5 ? Wenn ja dann wart ihr gaaaaaanz in meiner Nähe :( :D

    1. Jaa das is das Loop!! Wir warn in Stockstadt falls du des kennst xD

    2. Ja kenn ich.. also sagt mir was xD
      wohn ja ganz in der Nähe ;)

  9. Aah looks as if you had loads of fun! Shame about your ear though ;_; Hope you feel better soon ^^

    1. Thank you! Ya I still need to take antibiotics but at least I can hear again on my left ear xD

    2. Oooh that's really good to hear! :D I'm glad~ Can't wait to see your next post ^^

  10. ich seh auf dem einen Bild so sau winzig aus :O dabei bin ich eine der Großen...
    && omg das pic auf dem ich mich auf meine Spikes gesetzt hab auaaa XD

  11. Your duckface-pic is the ugliest one I've ever seen ö.ö



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