Friday, August 31, 2012

Bella Italia Summer Vacation Part 2

Third Day

On that day we went on a boattrip and it was fantastic!
I guess in italy was the first time ever I didnt wear that much or even any make up for such a long time and even with the fact that people were around! Crazy isnt it? But it was so hot and I was so lazy and the ocean killed my make up anyways so why should I even try to put that shit on.

Okay so Linda and I went on that boat and we sat down at the front and hung over our feet  :3
Weve seen such a nice landscape and the best I could work on my tan

After a while we just stopped in the middle of the sea and jumped into the water !!! I always dreamed about this lol but when I had to I got a bit scared and to be honest it had to look a bit strange when I "jumped" into the water..since I couldnt really decide between jumping and not .. Well at least I had fun and was proud of myself :D

I better not tell you who of them I am XDD One sexy motherfucker

And this was our boat!

Later that day we decided to eat something and I had one fucking delicious burger. SO DAMN GOOD At first I only wanted to eat there because they offered free wifi lol.. but really their burger was so tasty ,__,

okay enough burger porn here

In the evening we went to a club called Altromondo. One hint... if you really like electro music.. GO THERE!! It was awesome. I could have danced the whole damn night. At like 1am gogos showed up. Omg I wish I would be as sexy as them ,_,

Unfortunately this night wasnt really my night ): Linda found some guy and I felt like the 5th wheel of a car so I searched for my sister or her friends but the club was so huge I couldnt find any of them. Furthermore I didnt want to get drunk this night because one cocktail was about 6 or 8 euro and it was only one swig malibu and the rest was juice so.. I dont see why I should have waste my money for that shit. As a blonde foreign girl youre not long alone in italy. Some stupid guy came to me and wanted to dance but as his hand started to came my pussy closer and closer I told him I had to leave but then he wanted to kiss me and stuff. I got really angry and had to hit his arm until he finally left me alone -.- I had enough from this night and went home alone at 2am lol Of course I was a bit disappointed because the music was so damn good but I just havent had fun..

The next day we had to stand up very early because we went to venice that day !!! But more of it in the upcoming post (:


  1. deine Haare sind richtig schön <3
    Hast du dich mal geritzt? :/

    1. Ja aber deine Frage bezieht sich sicher auf die Arme in dem Bild. Das sind nicht meine ;D
      Bei mir sieht man es eig nicht, wenn man es nicht weiss (:

    2. Ja, genau.
      Das sieht so schlimm aus. Hatte mir schon Sorgen gemacht.
      Auch wenn es nicht deine sind, ich hoffe du hast es überwunden. <3

    3. Klar ist schon einige Jahre her. Kein Grund zur Sorge. Und danke <3

  2. ewww. i feel sorry for the bad experience. someone did that groping down there to me once too. luckily he was the hottest (japanese) guy i ever met lmao. other guys shouldn't be doing it

    :< still wish we could party together sometime in tokyo!

    1. hahaha youre right. I dont mind if hes hot :D
      But on the dancefloor I just want to have fun and not sex.

      I hope we have the chance someday! Next year in August Ill be in tokyo again. Keep that in mind :3

    2. i will do! though i am not really planning that far ahead, at least not flights or other bookings haha.

      did you book anything yet?

    3. aw no didnt booked anything yet since I dont know the dates for my final exams. After knowing them Ill book my flight and search for a guesthouse and stuff ;3

  3. Oh shit, I'm sorry to hear that your night wasn't so good o_o Damn Italian perv! I would've been so scared ;_; <3

  4. Manche Männer sind so niveaulos -.-
    mir hat auch schonmal einer einfach von hinten unter den rock gegriffen >_>
    aber dann auch noch in nen fremden land und allein, das ist kacke. ._.""

    aber die bootstour sieht hammer aus. <3
    wir haben auch eine in griechenland gemacht, aber da konnte man nicht so gechillt rumliegen xD



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