Today I could pick up my package with new items in it at the customs office ~.~
Thank go it was only 30 euros but thats still much since Im trying to save money.
But more on friday ^^
I made a video because I thought it would be the best way to show you how the items look like.
Im still ill so my voice sounds kinda boring thats why I put some music in this video.
I really LOVE my shoes. They are amazing. And my leg warmers.
So fluffyyyyyy.
But I think Im going to sell this last item. My style is more agejo and this onepiece is more like hime or some .....other things^^ ( dont want to say shit because some people could get mad of this. Just like im saying bitch kay ? doesnt mean something worse.gosh.where you live. )
chuu anyone interessted ? XD
Okay that was it. I think Ill blog again on friday. Im having some good news for you. chchchch
very exciteeed !