This post is only about me and my face and nya... nothing else except JAPANTAG at the end of this entry. So if you dont like looking at my face for the next 89383 pictures scroll down and read that XD
Today I decided to stay at home to find an outfit for Japantag.
I also had fun wearing my old black extens ^0^
After doing my make up and changing clothes for the second time I didnt want to do my hair anymore XD DAAA Im one lazy motherfucker. I more felt like.. camwhoring a bit ^-^
LOL Im so sorry I really can not decide which pic to delete ,___, And no these arent the same pics. They are different. at least to me^^
For this time I glued on my diamond lash glamorous eye as bottom lashes. I think it turned out not thaaat bad ^^
mhh looks a bit messy.
Oh aaand I nearly forgot to tell.. I ordered some new shoes especially for Japantag!! Since I dont have any fucking black shoes at all I had to order some. I ordered them at spylovebuy.com and I have to say... Im the last person on earth who now is the owner of these kind of shoes LOL
Shall I tell you why?? The first time I saw these shoes I was like.. "omg EWWWW how can ANYone think they are good looking ö.ö ??? " but when I got "used" to it I started liking them. Unfortunately at this time everyone seemed to like these shoes and also bought them.. which made me not to buy them. I hate just to buy something only because everyone has it so I waited. I waited until I had a reason to order new shoes. And here it was - Japantag! At first I wanted to buy black wedges but they were sold out everywhere ( every wedge I liked ) ,___, but then a pic of these jeffrey campbell fakes appeared on my screen and I knew it was time to buy them. The "omg jc here jc there" time was over so I could now order them without disgusting me (lol someone get my fucking logic please)
You will see more of it sunday or saturday at the Japantag ^-^
Apropos Japantag... I STILL cant decide what to wear. I kinda like this outfit but its not that comfortable because I gained weight lol...D/
But the other outfit could be just TOO black....Oh daaaammnnn.. Ill decide spontaneously ,__,
btw...can you see those hearts?? Somebody asked me if these are tattoos..LOL why the fuck should I tattoo my legs up there ?? If I would do so the poor tattoos would look so fucked up because of my constant weight loss and weight gain XDD
dumb peasants.
Ich werde am Samstag mit 3 meiner Leutchen zum Japantag fahren. Um 11 Uhr oda so kommen wir an und ich freue mich sehr euch alle treffen zu können!! Offizielles Meet Up ist um 19 Uhr am Turm von wo aus wir dann zusammen zum Ufer laufen werden um eben das üblige Gal Gedöns zu machen xD
Falls es einer noch nicht mitbekommen hat >> https://www.facebook.com/events/329704823764812/
GALS AT JDAY. Alle teilnehmen :D
Wenn sich einer wie gesagt scho vorher mit mir treffen will ( SUCHE WEITERE PURI PARTNER XD ) schreibt mit hier n comment oder am besten auf FB ne pn damit wir Handy Nummern austauschen können ( HAB EINE NEUE NUMMER FÜR DIEJENIGEN DIE NOCH MEINE ALTE HABEN !! )
Ill be at the Japantag from 11am if everything works. Official meet up will be at 7pm at a tower near the Rheinufer. After we met we will search a place near the Rhein to sit down and do the usual Gal staff. If somebody still doesnt know about the event.. take a look here >> https://www.facebook.com/events/329704823764812/
GALS AT JDAY. Im looking forward to meet all of you!!!
AAANNND...because I just CANT leave you without those two gorgeous pics of me...