Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Current Wishlist and ordered

These days I have nothing else to do than surfing through the internet and take a look at all the clothes, shoes and other stuff I want to have for christmas

First of all...of course SHOES !!

I want these leo wegdes so bad !!
I also wanted to have these over the knee boots because they are REALLY over the knee boots ( not that stuff what you get here " omg its soo overknee " ya..it just touched my knee and then stopped .__. )

Unfortunately they are sold out so Im thinking about these little babies <3

Im just wondering if they are over the knee ?? mmhh...

LASHES !! Another thing I want to have :3
I want to try these 3

I hate that Jewerich boxes include only 4 lashes ... but I want to give it a try.

Girls need bling ! This is why I want to have jewelry ;D

For the first time ever Id like to have a perfume !!
Actually Im not a fan of perfume but this one is pure love.
Prada Candy :3

Some make up brushes would be very nice, too !!
I just own four. Two are for  putting on powder, one is for blush and the other one is for foundation I think but Im using it for my eyemake up /DD
and last..I want to have a hometrainer again ,___________,
thin thin thin thin thin thin thin thin thin

random pic

And now I show you what I ordered :3

ordered this in MOCA
omg awwww
and this one in grey !! *0*

I know I wont get everything so I called it my current wishlist instead of my christmas wishlist.
Its not that much but everything is expensive ,_,

what are your wishes for christmas ??


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