Monday, December 12, 2011

personal fucking post ever. y am i writing this.

gosh how do I start ?
I got triggered to write this post because of a bad secret on g_s of me and I think I should write my feelings and my opinion down since a lot of people in reallife get this whole thing wrong, too.

I think I have to start with my secret just that there wont be any talking around here...

I agree in the point I look scary on this pic. Im always thinking about my make up since Im not wearing lenses because of my fear of veins. nyah shit. people do have fears and I have this. you dont have to understand but Im not able to look at forearms or wrists. I cant tell you what it is exactly that scares me but Im really afraid of. So Im scared to have contact with my eye veins, too. Gyaru make up without lenses doesnt look like the real thing and this disappoints me everytime. Sometimes Im even thinking about quitting gyaru but then I realize that this means too much to me so I have to work on my fear.
Second thing ...I dont think its good to blaspheme on a pic which is almost 5 months old. It was the first time I had REAL bottom lashes so it was my first try to do eye make up with them and Im sure you looked scary as well on your first try.
I dont think its okay to call my mole a wart. But okay its your opinion if you think its ugly you think its ugly. Thats it. Its just not true that I photoshopped my mole out of a single picture EVER. First of all I neither even have PS installed somewhere nor I dont know why I should do it. Its a part of me just like everything else is. I dont cover my boobs and I dont cover my scars so I wont cover my mole. Just saying. Cheap nails werent cheap but if you think they look cheap..its also your opinion I just think you dont have to tell me that angry and pissed off just like you really hate me or just hate to bitch around ( haha the word. here it is. finally. )

now onto the actual topic I wanted to write about. The word bitch.
Bitch is not only very often used in the gyaru comm against german gyarus. It is also used very often in my reallife like when going clubbing, at school blabla.
I think some of you have a very wrong view on the word bitch. I cant help but you always say it like its a bad word! It isnt. We live in 2011 almost 2012. Words and meanings changed. I dont know what you are thinking a bitch is but to me it is NOT a girl who sleeps with tons of guys, getting payed or not. Bitch can also just mean a girl is a Zicke /in german./ To me bitches are beautiful girls who like to party, are mostly skinny, care about their look like make up, hair, clothes etc. They were jewelry, have long and good looking nails, are sometimes mean to others but not without any reason. These girls like to bitchfight but they always have a reason for it. Its hard to describe but its definitively not a bad word. Its the same when I hear gogos are nasty and prostitutes or something. They just dance and earn money. They dont even undress. Thats another topic but I really dont get how these words/jobs/... STILL have such a bad reputation.
I like to feel like Im the queen of the situation. I like to party hard. I like to feel like Im the motherfucking princess in this club. I like that boys think Im pretty and dancing around. I dont fuck around like theres no tomorrow. Thats bullshit. Im just enjoying my time and when somebody has boobs why shouldnt they show them ? I think its sexy. ( I dont mean to undress and hold your titties in every face. )
Bitch is no more a bad word for a cheap girl you can easily have sex with.
However,  my opinion is if you still think bitch is a cuss you also think sex is ew.
( omg AV gals EEEEEEEWWW. they have sex EWWWWW. Your boyfriend, your father, your grandfather, ... watches porn,too. Your parents had sex. Thats where you come from. Just saying. )


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