Sunday, January 1, 2012

Résumé 2011

Omg I cant believe its already the end of another year again. Year 2011 is going to end and Im looking back on a year full of emotions and decisions. This year happened so much !!

In January I turned 18 which meant I was finally an adult which brought some more responsibilities with. I decided to quit FOS and go to translation school instead. I met Linda again after one year and shes now my best friend <3  René and I eventually broke up after 2 1/2 years. I think it was a good decision but I hope we find together sometime again after I explored the world (:  In April I started my work in KUPSCH. I dont think I could have found something better. In my summer vacation I travelled to Tokyo for the first time with Ramona and Barbara.  Oh god this was so great ! In March I celebrated carnival for the first time in Switzerland. In February I started to do my driving license but in July I gave up /DD This year I gained some weight again.  Many people around me are happy about that but I dont feel very comfortable. What I like about that is I learned to feel confident even when Im a 38 now. I still want to be a 34 and I miss my old body but next year Im so going to do it right. Im planning to go in a gym and loose weight healthier than before. I made some new friends this year and I got to know so many new people. In March I went to the LBM for the first time and decided not to go on a convention anymore. Im still going to TiCon because of René. He's plaiyng ygo there /DD. In May I was at the Japantag for the first time and it was also my first visit to Düsseldorf but Im not going to the Japantag anymore. It was too crowded but I love the people I met so I organized a meet up for the first time in december. Im planning one next year again !  I made my first purikura and I learned to put in lenses.

Soo I think that are the most important things which happened 2011. Maybe I forgot something but well, the year went over so fast and nethertheless it was still time to do so many things. 

I have so many plans for the future and so many aims I want to reach. ^0^ Lets start in a new year full of motivation and wishes waiting to come true.

I wish you all the best for 2012 (:


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