this is going to be a funny post :D ( well I think so )
A few months ago I lost my ID Card after clubbing.
This is not such a bad thing because Ive got my travel card and used this instead of the ID card the last months to get into clubs.
Everyone said I need to get a new ID card but this motherfucker costs around 30 euros AND its design changed !!
It looks so ugly now -.- Its way too small like a credit card or something. It looks terrible and I dont like the new ID card so I didnt requested a new one.
Yesterday I wanted to look at my shoes ( LOL I do this sometimes because they are my babies ♥ )
well.. take a look at the pics what happened :D
I found my ID card after such a long time XDDD
Why the fuck did I hide this in one of my shoes ?? hahaha
Fortunately I didnt pay 30 euros for a new one TAHAHAHA bitch.