Yoo people whats upp??
I found some time for blogging again.
I dont really know what to blog about.. Im just updating my FACEBOOK with pictures and stats...Im thinking about turning my blog into a "one photo blog " what do you think about ??
Blogging several times a week but only one pic or something...you know these blogs.
At first I thought this would be too boring and short, but now I recognize I dont have time to blog that often with these long posts. So maybe Im going to give it a try.
Well, enough of this talking.
Im going to show you some pics I uploaded on FB during last week.
First of all I made new nails.
( hope its not too dark ? it turned out that my mac is lighter than my computer..feedback? )
On Saturday I went on a local Convention called TiCon and René gifted me this super cute nemuneko !!
When I was in tokyo I wanted to win this cat but unfortunately I had no luck.
I had asked the manager if I could buy it but he didnt understand D/
So now Im really happy that René gave it to me <3 <3 <3
You remember when you had to vote for me ???
BRAVO called me. They said I got into the TOP 10.
Unfortunately I didnt won but they sent me a CD of their latest BRAVO hits :D
Another stupid pic of me
I ate while sitting in front of the computer. Im such a badass.
Aaannd Linda and I were having a webcam session on the other day.
It was so much fun haha. I dont own all photos and..a lot are too ugly/much boobs/crazy to show XD
omg all photos and videos in this post were taken by webcam.
You see the bad quality ;s ?
Im going to bed now. Tomorrow I have to work from 8am to 1pm.
Then my weekend will finally start and ..... PARTY PARTY PARTY.