Sunday, December 23, 2012

Barbie Diamond 3 Tone Blue REVIEW

Hello lovely readers ;3

Some weeks ago I received a small package from uniqso who send me a new pair of lenses. They came in such a sweet box!

Sadly they dont have cute animal lens cases but at least they come with any cases ;D

So this is how the lenses look on their website

They look blue since their name also is Barbie Diamond 3 Tone BLUE.
To be honest I was a bit surprised because they looked a bit different when they arrived. They had some red dots in it but I thought well why dont give them a try?

Diameter: 16,5 mm
Disposal: 1 year
Water Content: 38%

The lenses in without any make up on

The lenses in with make up

They are the biggest lenses I own so far but their 16,5 mm dont cause any problems by inserting them.
They are comfortable and I can wear them for a longer time without any itching. 

Some close ups

Even if this is a sponsored review I want to write my honest opinion about the lenses so I have to say that I normally dont like lenses like these. I prefer it when there is a fluent transition and when they fit more into your real eyecolour. Furhermore I was a bit disappointed that they werent as bright as I thought.

  BUT I have to say I kinda like how dark they are. I didnt own any dark lenses before only bright ones but I really like their colour.

And as you can see on these pics here you dont see the harsh transition in distance anyways :)

So in the end Im pretty happy I ordered these lenses because I guess if Id never seen how dark lenses look on my eyes Id never ordered some dark ones :)  

Thank you Uniqso for your good customer service and fast shipping!

If you want to see how these lenses look on dark eyes just check out Rins blog!

If you want to get some new lenses take a look at Uniqsos website they run some awesome promotions at the moment!!

Also if you enter the code barbiekitai you will get a 10% discount on your order!

Get your own Big Eye Circle Lenses here


  1. You look perfect <3

  2. das muster is sauschön! sehen besser aus als erwartet :o! (ich hasse es eig auch wenn linsen so 0 übergang haben)

    1. Jaa ich find das Muster an sich auch geil aba eben null Übergang... von weit weg sehense dafür ned schlecht aus ;3

  3. The box is so cute!! I'm a sucker for nice packaging. The lenses look great on you!

    *Now your newest follower via greader! :)

    1. Aww heey thank you for following me now and welcome ;D
      Hope you will enjoy my future posts, too!

      I also love cute packaging! Its just a girly thing isnt it? ^0^

  4. I am so jealous :( They look so good on you haha

  5. Uaah echt cool sehen die aus :D



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