meow meow
Yesterday I got so bored and I wanted to do something. I askes Linda if we can go out but she didnt feel very well so I ended up asking my sister if I can go with her and her bf + friends to the Airport.
I love her but..GNAAA shes too young. We stood again in line at 9:30 pm and I was like.."gush..Im getting too old for this" when we got inside nearly nobody danced because it was freaking early !! and everybody was so young ,___, I felt like I was 40 LOL
Pic of me and my sister <3
she wears heels okay? XD Im not a bimbo ,0, I just cant dance in heels! ( I used to wear heels for clubbing but since I got interested in this whole elctro shit..I need flat shoes!! )
Later I talked to some nice girls but they were also just 17. meow meow. This whole situation reminded me of me when I first started clubbing /DD
But well.. I tried to make the best of this situation since I was very happy that I could do at leat something instead of sitting at home bored again.
Sooo.. I decided to check the bar first /D Alcohol is always your friend in everykind of situation <3
So 4 cocktails later I ended up being drunk at only quarter past midnight BAHAHAHA
Pic of my sisters friend, me and her.
LOL just have seen that I forgot to "brush" this one out on my hair XDD Im so bad at editing pics oh damn.
So.. the result of this is.. I need some more friends /DDD
But I think its okay to not party every weekend until the morning.. maybe its good sometimes to leave the club earlier. weekend is going to be BOMBUS MAXIMUS.
On friday I want to go to Lisas Bday Party. She invited me *0* So I have to drive to Stuttgart for her :3 Im so excited to meet her again <3
On Saturday there is another great event in my village. Its called Stylism and its a house, electro, trance dance blabla event. IM SO LOOKING FORWARD TO IT !!!
I hope Linda comes with me <3 I dont want to go alone D:
HOWEVER back to yesterday.
After dolling up I made some photos :3
I couldnt decide which one I prefer more LOL The left one is the original version.
Spam Spam Spam Spam
havent glued on my lashes on that eye XD
oh and here I looked stupid.
I tried using another brown for my conturing. Its a lighter one. I didnt like the dark brown..what do you think? or do you even see a difference? XDD whatever.
OWWW One pic more I want to show you.
A friend of my sister had Bday and she baked her a cake. It looked so good !! But I didnt eat anything of it..grraaa..would like to taste it o:
( johanna..y u no bake me cake for my bday???? just saying )