Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Another Gaijin Gyaru Blog CHECK IT OUT

Hey everybody !
Ive got an announcement to do !

My friend Ramona has been starting her own blog now :3
What you dont know her yet ??
Better check her blog out !!

But Im sure most of you have heard about her (:
Im so happy that she now made her own blog. One more stalking opportunity LOL

Since she just started.. she hasnt got any followers !! So make sure you follow her !!

Her blog is written in german but she has a translation tool on the side which makes it possible for everyone to understand. And even if not..just looking at the pictures can be enough too :D

Sunday, February 26, 2012


meow meow

Yesterday I got so bored and I wanted to do something. I askes Linda if we can go out but she didnt feel very well so I ended up asking my sister if I can go with her and her bf + friends to the Airport.
I love her but..GNAAA shes too young. We stood again in line at 9:30 pm and I was like.."gush..Im getting too old for this" when we got inside nearly nobody danced because it was freaking early !! and everybody was so young ,___, I felt like I was 40 LOL

Pic of me and my sister <3
she wears heels okay? XD Im not a bimbo ,0, I just cant dance in heels! ( I used to wear heels for clubbing but since I got interested in this whole elctro shit..I need flat shoes!! )

Later I talked to some nice girls but they were also just 17. meow meow. This whole situation reminded me of me when I first started clubbing /DD
But well.. I tried to make the best of this situation since I was very happy that I could do at leat something instead of sitting at home bored again.
Sooo.. I decided to check the bar first /D Alcohol is always your friend in everykind of situation <3
So 4 cocktails later I ended up being drunk at only quarter past midnight BAHAHAHA

Pic of my sisters friend, me and her.
LOL just have seen that I forgot to "brush" this one out on my hair XDD Im so bad at editing pics oh damn.

So.. the result of this is.. I need some more friends /DDD
But I think its okay to not party every weekend until the morning.. maybe its good sometimes to leave the club earlier. weekend is going to be BOMBUS MAXIMUS.
On friday I want to go to Lisas Bday Party. She invited me *0* So I have to drive to Stuttgart for her :3 Im so excited to meet her again <3
On Saturday there is another great event in my village. Its called Stylism and its a house, electro, trance dance blabla event. IM SO LOOKING FORWARD TO IT !!!
I hope Linda comes with me <3 I dont want to go alone D:

HOWEVER back to yesterday.
After dolling up I made some photos :3
I couldnt decide which one I prefer more LOL The left one is the original version.

Spam Spam Spam Spam
 havent glued on my lashes on that eye XD

oh and here I looked stupid.

 I tried using another brown for my conturing. Its a lighter one. I didnt like the dark brown..what do you think? or do you even see a difference? XDD whatever.

OWWW One pic more I want to show you.
A friend of my sister had Bday and she baked her a cake. It looked so good !! But I didnt eat anything of it..grraaa..would like to taste it o:
( johanna..y u no bake me cake for my bday???? just saying )


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Gaijin Gyaru Awards Outtake Video Ramona And Kitai


so..I already told you Ramona was here last Friday so we could  make a video for the
Gaijin Gyaru Awards  together.

Lhourrai asked me if I could do a video with Himeberry but unfortunately Himeberry doesnt exist anymore but instead of Himeberry I said to her that I could ask Ramona and Barbara for hosting.
She agreed but we couldnt find a time where all 3 of us had time so Ramona and I made the video alone.

I will show you the outtakes of it :D We had problems with the light and my Nikon only makes videos in .MOV but I need .wmv so I had to convert it but it got so pixelated!! So I tried many many different ways and ended up in uploading it to youtube, edited it on youtube  then download it as .mp4 and THEN converted  it into .wmv and finally cutted in movie maker and SAVED. GOTTCHAAAAAAA.

Now its still a bit pixelated but not THAT much anymore so...enjoy the outtakes :3

( If we say the winner is on this video here doesnt mean it really IS the winner. We had to say that every nominee is the winner because we dont know already so lhourrai will cut it to its final result :3 )


Final carnival post. I promise :D GGA??

hows it going? carnival is over and I had a great time again :3
I had three different kinds of costumes

Lets take a look!

On sunday Ive been minnie mouse, 

on Nacht der Nächte Ive been a policewoman

and on tuesday Ive been a cowgirl!
(make up isnt finished and wheres my hat? mimimimi)

Last year I was a sailor, a bee and a lion.

I dont know how you celebrate carnival but in germany you go on carnivalparades and watch people on selfmade trucks throwing candy at you XD I have been in Switzerland,too but they dont throw candy DDDD: WTF they only throw confetti ): But this can be fun, too !  

maybe you can see the candy in the air :D

Soo.. this will be my last post about carnival this year since I wont go to Switzerland for Fasenachtsumzug ):

Im STILL editing the video Ramona and I made for the GGA. I wanted to do two videos out of it. One for the GGA and one Outtake video...but unfortunately we had bad lightning so Im finished with editing but now it comes to the cutting ,______, Ive lost my motivation xD

Lets hope I can upload the outtake video soon !!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Faschingsumzug Würzburg


Yesterday was Faschingsumzug in Würzburg !!
It was the first time I went there because of my bad bus situation I wasnt able to join the carnival parade before...but now I have Linda LOL
When I need to go on toilett we just walked to her house..I love her appartement XD
This time I dressed as Minnie Mouse :3 and lent Linda my police cap.

aww I know some of you have already seen this on FB but LINDA DOESNT SEND ME THA PICTURRSS.
She has to send me the pics of Valentinesday, the pics from clubbing at wednesday and now the pics from the Carnivalparade yesterday xD

I need an Iphone myself. OR AT LEAST MY MACBOOK!!
Have I told you already? My Mcbook broke and I had to give it to my IT teacher ,_,
He said I will get it back 1 week after the Carnival break AT THE EARLIEST!!

Oh and yesterday a friend of mine broke my phone -.-
She sliced it up the wrong side. WTF
In 2 months Ill get a new phone anyway but..grraaaa. 

heres another picture of us

I want to show you some costumes again!!

I found superman, ironman and this guy from xmen( or is he xman? lol idk )


and LOL I just wanted to show you NINJA TURTLES but then I saw something..really weird on the pic.
I hope this is a bottle of alcohol. Otherwise Im really confused LOL
(if Im the only one who sees this..Im officially pervert)

Now I have to go to work again...meeeeee.
Tomorrow Im going to another Carnivalparade...what will be my costume???


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Dicht ist Pflicht

yesterday after work I went to Lindas new appartement :3
she lives there with 2 other girls which are friendly and we decided to go clubbing together!
We wanted to go to the Airport with a shuttlebus but the streets were so slippery the buses didnt drive anymore D:
It was like midnight when we decided to go and walk to the House of 150 beers to meet some more people. From there we took a cab to the Airport.

This is Made, a roommate ^-^

When we arrived I also met Ramona XD Sometimes I danced with her when I lost my friends and when she lost her friends she danced with us :D

Linda and me with mustache :3
Imo she looks like the guy from Fist of Zen on MTV XDDD

It was like..5 am when we left the club to walk to Mcdonalds /DDDDD
There we go...I ate 2 days healthy and on the 3rd day I went to Mcdonalds...Im such a loser .:/
Before we left we took a grouppicture !!!
Stefan(Stephan??), Made and Alex the roommates, a colleague of Alex and then theres me and Linda ^0^
lol I forgot to take all of my extens with me to Linda so I try to hide this mess on my head /DD
And heres a last pic of meee.....

we were in bed at like...6 am and talked a bit before we fell asleep.
We had to go to school in the next morning at 10:40...however /DDDD
Im tired as fuck now so Ill go to sleep.
Tomorrow Ramonas coming over and we have a mission to complete !!!
( and if I have enough time Ill go to Renés work // he works at a fashionstore // and he will buy me I buy some new stuff ^0^ )

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Nacht der Nächte Carnival Party

yaaaaay carnival is here !!!
My sister invited some friends and together we went to a carnival party in our village :3
This was the crew
My sister and I wanted to dress the same ^-^
Later there I met an old classmate haha I didnt expect this XD
I went to the Gymnasium the 6th 7th and 8th grade with her.
nevermind my stupid face but this has to be on my blog xD It was so surprising!

The first band made good mood !! We danced polognese ( LOL I can not find a synonym for it or something..does this word only exist in german? XD do only we dance polognese? XD
please comment I want to know !!! )
They played some carnival and ballerman hits but when the second band started to play it was like.."omg I want to go home" D: SO SAD
but I found some funny costumes!! I want to show you some:


 omg the pringles man XDD

and at those two I had to laugh so hard !! The one with the baby stood in the dancefloor just like the real alan !!! HE ACTED SO REAL I just couldnt stop laughing :D

 ohhhh and those two !! great job :D

wwww...we went home at like.. 1am D: so damn early but we got so tired and bored because of the bad music x:
heres a last pic of the group. I look like marilyn manson dont you think so too ? LOL

meeeeeoww I want to go to another carnivalparty but I dont know when I have to work etc...I want to do another costume *0*
Have you already celebrated carnival this year or dont you celebrate carnival? O:

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sushi and heavy make up

Helloo my lovely followers :3
Im back again with a new post !

I still have so much things I wanna write about so today I wanna show you some pictures of last thursday.
René and I went to Sumo Sushi for something to eat. Sumo Sushi is the most expensive place in Würzburg for Sushi but you get quality food so its totally worth the price.
We have so many Asia Restaurants and places where you can buy Sushi in Würzburg now...its amazing!

This is what we ate

René ordered a yummy chicken salad and I had some Sake Maki and Nigiri.

On this day I put on some heavy make up. At first I just wanted to add this little..I dont even know how its called XD ... line between my eye and my nose...this eyeliner line which Ive seen so many times on other peoples make up but I dont get why lol
I tried to draw this line but it came out to look a bit like a goth make up XDD
It wasnt planned but well... I liked it anyway.

Take a look!

apropos heavy make up... I found two old pics of me when I tried some AV GAL inspired Make that time I didnt wear lenses but I still wanna show them to you :3

lol dont ask me why my lips are that shiny. Thats the fault of the gif maker xD
I want to do some AV GAL inspired make up with lenses again !!!

Be prepared for another post this evening or tomorrow.
Theres a carnival party at our village tonight and I want to show you my costume etc...
so be excited :3

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


as promised Im going to spam the shit out of my blog 

Before I went to japan I wasnt sure about "my style".
I liked MA*RS and golds infinity and some rokku styles. I thought Ramona looked totally gyaru and I knew she loves d.i.a but I didnt want to imitate her because we already kinda had the same hair and I didnt want to be a copy caaat. meeow.

BUT when I went to japan I could finally see all the styles in real and try them on and when I saw the d.i.a store I immediately fell in love.
I asked Ramona if its okay if I like the style too   
 ( XDD this sounds so fucking stupid but I didnt want to make her thinking I want to copy her! I know a lot of people like d.i.a but as I just said we had the same haircolour, the same lenght the same height and we live in the same city soo...maybe you understand me. )

Yesterday I found some other d.i.a staff blogs and I want to share these lovely pics with you !!
I want to buy EVERYTHING XD
Okay not really but...92% of it <3 <3 <3

 A lot of people say d.i.a is an expensive style like some other brands but I dont really think so.
I mean think about it... t-shirts are about 50 Euro, some extravagant shirts or onepieces are between 70-90 Euro and the Jackets are about 130 or 170 Euro.
When I buy a winter jacket in germany I spend the same price for it so the jackets are totally okay.
Special onepieces and special tshirts are totally worth their price so are the thsirts.
I prefer buying a 50 Euro shirt witch nearly nobody else has and which print and style I really like and can feel special than buying a 10 or 20 Euro shirt which everybody else has and just is in the same odd colour as all the other shirts with no special print on it and dont feel very special.
This has nothing to do with being rich. It has something to do with priorities and saving money for the "right" stuff.  I like those clothes so Im gonna spend most of my money for them. That also means I wont have the money for expensive make up but these are my priorities. Everybody has its own. ya know what I mean blll

Okay.. enough blabla /DDD

Most of d.i.a stuff includes skulls, crosses, gold, and the colours black grey and white.

and looks like this:

But they also have some bright colours as well !!
Im so in love with the neon pink one :D

Here are some shirts with cross print:

and here with american flag:

They also sell shorts and trousers as well...if they are too large for you to fit totally know you should gain some weight immediately !! you are too skinny xD
baaaa *someday someday someday Ill fit in :D*


not to forget their popular belts!!

Here is a jacket in 3 different colours.
I think its always the hardest part to decide WHICH COLOUR ???

They also sell these awesome as fuck bras:
I want at least one of them. They will so totally not fit me but at least I wanna try it *0*

A pic of the nails of one of the shop staffs.
I love their nails. They are so colourfull and long

And here are just some random pics from their blogs :3

To me the style is perfect because its something special and on the same time so casual !!
You can wear it for school, for shopping, for meeting friends, for going to a bar in the evening. Some outfits can be even worn for clubbing so..its totally not a waste of money you invest in this brand.
Well, everybody has its own opinion but I just wanted to show you some pics and... maybe we can now dream together XDD

I hope you enjoyed this post :3



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